• Global Shipping & shipping price calculated in real-time:

We shipped worldwide. When you place an order, our website will quote shipping immediately to your cart.

  • Who will be shipping orders for international orders?

We have many forms of transportation. You need to move fast or cheap?

Cheapest form of transportation:
Post Office: We shipped via Vietnam Postal.
Shipping time:
Asia: 1 week
Europe & Americas: 2 to 3 weeks.

The fastest form of transportation:
Transit time:
Asia: 4 days
Europe and America: 5 to 14 days.

You can optionally form of transportation in the ordering process. If you do not find the appropriate option, please leave us a note when ordering.

  • Return:

You can return order if the following conditions are met:

- No damage than receiving.
- The time limit is 30 days from the date of receipt of goods.

Address of delivery:
KimSonCraft (My nghe Kim Son)
126/15/1 Nguyen Van Tao, Hamlet 3, Long Thoi Commune, Nha Be District
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 08 66759291
Email: [email protected]

  • Warranty conditions:

We will refund to customers if the goods are not as described.